Let me warn you, this recap journal edition is VERY different from Womance’s.
I recently wrote to a colleague: “Our final distribution into pharmacies with SF, was that actually this year?” and she responded, “Yes, we finished the project in May/June 2024.”

I was actually a bit shocked! Am I the only one who thinks that 2024 went by in a flash? At Sans-Façon, I feel like I didn't even see it go by. First of all, opening 300 points of sale across the province over just a few months was such an endeavour! SF just turned 3 in October, and I NEVER imagined it would be possible to see the brand so widely available in large chains like Jean Coutu and Familiprix. In fact, I was told repeatedly that it would be impossible. And if not impossible, then at least not a believable goal to have before at least four or five years. As I’m writing these sentences, I’m getting chills remembering when we made these deals. I WAS FREAKING OUT! It was a huge accomplishment and such a massive challenge.
First, we’ve always been used to working “just for ourselves”. When we work online, we make decisions and – presto – we implement them! But now, everything is different. We’ve never handled our own distribution, let alone on a large scale like this. Everything is planned so far in advance. Honestly girls, it’s just crazy! It takes about three years to fully design and develop and a product, so we’re used to working and thinking ahead of time, but now everything is on a whole new scale. For example, if we decide to do a promotion, we can’t just launch something on the website the following week. We have to plan it months in advance. It’s been a big adjustment for us, but at the same time, an incredible privilege to be able to play in the big leagues so quickly.
I have to admit that when I think about 2024 and also 2025, the idea of “the big leagues” really monopolized my thinking. In the third and fourth years at Womance, I remember feeling very similar emotions. I didn’t really know how to stand out from everyone else. The reality of entering environments like retail and cosmetics is that we operate in highly competitive environments. Newcomers compete with the biggest businesses but have the smallest budgets. It’s extremely challenging, and it’s easy to give in to defeatist thoughts like “I’m not sure I’m going to make it.”

In the case of Womance, there were quite a few times when green lights appeared when we needed them and we found a way to move forward and find our place. Now with Sans-Façon, I have to admit that I’m really ready and hoping for some of those green lights to appear again! Sometimes I feel a little impatient because even though I look back at how much we’ve accomplished in the last three years, all I want to do is go further! I’m really excited about the year ahead, mainly because I also realized this past year that there is no set path to success. There is only our own road, and its our responsibility to direct it the way we want to. We always keep in mind that the key to not getting lost along the way, is YOU. You are our one and only guide. Our only goal is to create quality products that will make you feel good and beautiful.
Thank you to everyone who decided to adopt Sans-Façon this year. We understand how loyal customers are to brands, and its no small thing to switch from someone else’s concealer or mascara to ours. That you have decided to choose us touches me deeply, and I promise you, you will not be disappointed in 2025! Starting with our lip oil that is coming out in March 2025… it’s like a 3 in 1 for your lips. It’s paradise, A DREAM IN A BOTTLE, GIRLS!

For now, we blow you kisses and say see you soon in 2025! XX

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